Friday, February 26, 2010

It finally happened.....

For the first time in 27 months Hil and I went on a date! It was just meant to happen, Kasia went to her little playgroup/daycare meeting and Hils work schedule allowed her the day off and boom! Out for dinner, well lunch actually.

It was, I have to admit, a little pre-planned. Including driving Hil downtown 'as if' to drop her off at work (something that Kasia is used to) and then Kasia and I carrying on back up the freeway to her school. It seemed a little excessive to drive 20 mins in one direction only to turn around, drive all the way back and then finally to drive back downtown to collect my beautiful wife, all for the sake of tricking Kasia into not having a major meltdown. Well, luckily enough it worked and Hil and I were about to embark on our first date in over two years.

Crazily enough we just couldn't seem to decide on where to go. It was only 10am so we decided to go get coffee and wait for a restaurant to open at 11. I finally (after much deliberation) decided that I had always wanted to go to a seafood place that we had seen a million times on the way to Hils hospital, so in we went to Pappadeuxs seafood restaurant. It was awesome! We were celebrating our, albeit belated, sixth wedding anniversary and in true fashion pushed the boat out (no pun intended-you know boat/seafood? Oh never mind!). We ate Lobster, talked about everything and finished with a flurry of dessert, which frankly was way too much food, but a great time was had by all.

At this point I realize this has little or no relevance to my supposed SAHD experience theme, but it was just such a good time that it must have had a positive effect on the little Kasia monster. Unfortunately when we picked her up from school she'd had a bit of a rough time in class but the teacher said that she was 'majority OK'. So I took that to mean she will be welcomed back and the date was 100% worth it. I have a feeling Kasia is reaching one of the next milestones in her crazy little life. She is obsessed with having her nappy (diaper) changed. Every five minutes it seems, so the next big thing is potty time! Oh what joy, scraping turds out of a plastic bowl. My life, the everlasting gob-stopper of parental joy.....lets see what happens.

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