Thursday, February 11, 2010

I had a bunch of stuff to say....but I've forgotten!

Don't you just hate it when you have a bunch if things you need to kinda sweep clear out of your head and then you just can't remember what in the hell those things were! Mind you, I guess the point is that if you don't remember then they must not have been that important to begin with. Oh well.

On the subject of randomness, it's snowing. Now Texas isn't supposed to get much in the way of the fluffy stuff but it seems that we are getting a few inches. Now this plays into my role as SAHD because some how I have to get Hilery to work in the ice and snow tomorrow morning. The reason it's such a pain is because Hilery and I share one car. We used to have my little truck but due to a whole heap of reasons we got rid of it. The real problem is that in order to share a car Hilery, myself and Kasia have to get in the car at 6am and take Hil to work. It's not the most pleasant thing to have to drag a 2 year old out of bed at the best of times but in the ice and snow it just seems like a horrible risk! So our options are limited but it seems Hil may have to go to the hospital tonight and sleep there so that she can nurse on the floor tomorrow. Boo hiss! All in all being a stay at home parent and not having access to a car sucks. It's not like back home in the UK where you can walk to the store etc, here in beautiful Texas everything is about 500 miles away! But I must not complain to much. Life throws us these curve balls and the least we can do is have a swing at them....

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