Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow day...and night!

It finally happened!! The time came when Hilery had to be away for the whole night and I alone was responsible for looking after Kasia for more than 24 hours on my own. Again to some this may not be a major thing but to me it has always been a scary prospect. Hilery had to go and sleep at the hospital last night so that she could be there for her shift today, all because of the snow. Now it wasn't just some snow, Fort Worth Texas got hit with 12.5" of snow in one day! Considering this is Texas and its pretty damn hot most of the time this was a record snowfall. As I mentioned before, Hilery and I share a car so she has taken the fabulously manly Hyundai Elantra in the ice and snow to work, leaving Kasia and I stranded in the house (not much fun). We did take Kasia out in the snow yesterday but, alas, she pretty much hated it. I guess she will learn to like it at some point but I'm not worried.

The best part of the snow yesterday wasn't building a snowman or just reveling in the wintry glory, it was in fact something far less glamorous but nevertheless practical and fun. I had to put chains on the front tires of the car. I had to do this because the only way I could get the car up the hill in the snow was to finally use them. I had bought these chains when we lived near Yosemite National Park in California (you have to have them there by law) but I figured I would never get to use them in Texas! Well, I did and I got the car out and Hilery made it to work where she had to sleep on a stretcher all night. Nursing is just one of those jobs where you can't just call in and say 'nah, not coming in today...bad weather!'. Nurses in the US are licensed and as such even when one graduates Nursing School one has to pass a board of certification test before a license to practice can be issued. Therefore, a nurses patients are his/her responsibility and the nurses are legally bound to provide care, in short Hil had to get her ass to work!

So today, I sit in the house waiting for either the snow to melt (not gonna happen) or maybe some inspiration as to how to keep a two year old entertained for the next couple of days. The Play-dough is out, the toys are strewn across the house and lets just hope that Hil is able to get home tonight. This is a blessing in disguise in many ways because all three of us have to practice this new system (Mummy away and Daddy on his own for a while) so that in June when the big one happens we will be somewhat prepared. I will no doubt be blabbering on about the events in June at some length pretty soon, wow I bet everyone reading this is just beyond excited for that one!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad Kasia doesn't like the snow...Chris and the kids have been out ALL morning playing in it!! Hope the next few days fly by! Have fun!
