Sunday, February 7, 2010

Here's the thing....

As some of you know Hilery works 12 hour shifts on a rotating (kinda random actually!) schedule which basically means that she works two days on then two days off. Awesome I hear you cry, you must have so much time to do other things! Umm, for some, not really. I mean there are two distinct ways that we run our house, when Hil is at work and the baby care is all down to me, then there is the shared responsibility. I quite honestly don't know how parents cope when one does 99% of the daily child care while the other works an out of the home job. I cannot even begin to imagine being a single parent. Basically the point I am not so eloquently trying to make is that I really believe in duel parental responsibility. Take tonight for example, we were invited to a friends house (who we hadn't seen for a while) to watch the the World Championship of only American participant teams...ummm anyway, and we had a blast. I love the fact that Hilery gets to be 'the Mum' but I have such a pivotal role in how we raise Kasia. I love telling stories of what Kasia has been doing and how shes growing into a little person. If I were the stereotypical Dad I don't think I would get to experience these amazing things.

That's not to say that I don't respect the hell out of the Dads that get out there and do there own jobs. Every day I think about what my parents went through to raise me and my sister. The luxury vacations in Broadstairs (a quaint English seaside town..not exactly the Bahamas I can assure you), the unbelievable lack of resources, the hypothermia on the train station platform because you have no car and no winter coat so that your kids don't go without. These are things my parents did, and guess what...that's what its all about. Sacrifice. Does it make you a better person for going through it. That I don't know, all I know is that having kids is a choice (for the most part). One doesn't just slip and fall and boom a baby is made! We make choices and we live by them, plain and simple.

All in all I was proud tonight. Proud of my baby girl for behaving so well, proud of my wife for being just an awesome person and honestly proud of myself for being able to say yeah, I'm a Stay at Home Dad....and it seems like I'm doing OK so far.

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