Friday, February 5, 2010

Step 1: Ignoring advice.

OK, I will admit, right now, to reading an article on 'How to blog'. The only piece of advice it gave that was even worth reading was that one must write on these blogs as if people are actually reading them, and furthermore one must write as if these people reading have no prior knowledge of you or what you are writing about. Therefore I am going to be one of those annoying people and just blabber on about pretty much everything.

I will say this though, I'm not going to use this thing to go off on a political tirade or rants about life in general (I am firmly down off of my high horse!) instead I am trying to simply write about my life as a SAHD (Stay At Home Dad). Now as boring as this may be to some, thats why I'm doing this. Its kinda of a therapy really, a crappy, cheap form of therapy!

So I have been a SAHD now since Kasia was born, well on my own after Hilery (my wife) went back to work. The reason she went back to work and I stayed at home was simple. Hilery makes good money as a Registered Nurse and I, well um, don't! I have no degree, no real skills and frankly have little to offer a well paying occupation. I say that with a hint of jest but its pretty much true. Anyway, I figured like most that being a SAHD would consist mainly of sitting, watching Oprah and generally doing very little. Reality came crashing in around me when at 3 months old, Kasia was my sole responsibility during the day. Now, Kasia is currently 26 months old so I must have done something right but the journey so far has been less than joyful.

Thats not to say that I don't love what I do in a weird kinda way. It's just the biggest issue remains a social one. We (as a society) are still not ready for SAHDs. No matter what people say on the subject, they may say its great and all this, bla bla bla, but in reality women are more comfortable being around other women in regards to a child care situation. That's what makes it a difficult job.

So to the title of this post. Ignoring advice is something that I am amazingly good at. For better or for worse I hate people telling me what to do, that includes good steady advice. I am trying to change this facet of my personality but frankly I fear it is set in stone. The biggest piece of advice that I ignored, which turned out to be a monumental mistake, was not to move away from family and friends and then decide to start having kids. Duh! Right? But at the time Hil and I just wanted to do our own thing and we basically thought we knew better. We didn't. Most people say that when they have kids they don't get to go out or do anything or see anybody, but if I told you I could count on one hand the amount or people that have simply dropped by to see if we are OK, I wouldn't be exaggerating. I'm not saying that anyone should, I'm just saying that it would be nice. Hilery and I have not had a 'date night' in 26 months. Not one meal, not one movie, not one walk on our own. I sound like I'm moaning which I kinda am, but really its just to suggest to anyone reading this that doesn't have kids yet....DON'T MOVE AWAY FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND THEN HAVE KIDS! It doesn't matter how much your parents get on your nerves or any of that, just take all the help you can get.

At this point I have to cut this off! Oh dear what a shame!! But its because I have to go and get Kasia from a playgroup. Yes, that's right we finally found a little playgroup where she stays there for 5 whole hours!! It's her first day and I have felt physically sick since I dropped her off. Not helped, mind you, when as I'm walking down the corridor to leave her for the first time in 2 years she sweetly yells.."Daddy where are you!!", I honestly thought that I was gonna start crying in front of all these Mums and teachers...however I stayed strong and went to the gym. What else could I do apart from then come home and write on this bloggy thing. Anyway, must dash and sorry its long winded, but that's me folks! Peace....wish me luck.

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