Thursday, April 29, 2010

I wanna...must hava!

Thats what my Dad calls me. I wish I could say that it doesn't bother me but I guess it does because it has followed me all the way into adulthood. The funniest part is that I've never had luxuries, well I mean no 'real' luxuries. I understand that what constitutes luxuries to one person doesn't necessarily to another, but as a general rule...I wouldn't say I have been over indulgent in regards to material things.

The reason I'm talking about this is because Kasia seems to be very good at going to the store and not whining about not having something bought for her. I'm not entirely sure on how long this will last but for now its great. The thing is, she doesn't even seem to have much affection for her toys. She has never really had a favourite teddy or anything and she just doesn't seem to care about 'her' things. She does however get very passionate over her clothing, man I'm in trouble!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wonder if we have a materialistic mentality from birth, is it innate? Or do we foster our own view of materialism over a life of have or have not. Do I crave certain things because I never had them as a child or do I simply want them for the sake of wanting them. I'm curious as to how Kasia will turn out, Hilery is very non-materialistic and focuses on experiences as apposed to a collection of objects, plus she also holds academic education as a priority. I on the other hand am forever complaining that I want this or that, and as much as I respect education I wouldn't say I'm comfortable with holding it in such high esteem. So because Kasia has two alternate viewpoints from her parents will she be a blend or sway one way instead of another? It will definitely be interesting to find out and maybe (hopefully) she will be able to teach me a thing or two.

I have been told (many times) that I have a chip on my shoulder because I come from a working class background. As much as I hate the stigma, I think I do have a chip on my shoulder but not in the way most would think. My Dad was born and raised in council funded accommodation (the projects for the Americans!) but through an amazing amount of hard work and sacrifice I was raised outside of that environment. There is however just one catch. Could we really afford to live in the suburban environment? Probably not, and when I say 'afford' I mean all that comes with keeping up with all that was expected of that lifestyle. My parents took me on foreign holidays, we had cars and we always had plenty of food on the table. But at what cost? I see my life and I want to give Kasia opportunities I never had but I want her to appreciate those things! I guess I'm just scared that without being deprived in some way we may never appreciate that moment when/if we finally 'make it'.

As with everything in life I suppose I will find out soon enough. Maybe I will surprise myself and stop wanting. Will I cease to be an 'I wanna..must hava'? Probably not.......but at least I can try.

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