Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Everything Dies....

Morbid, depressing, melancholic, sad, bleak, dispiriting.....

All descriptions of the music produced by the monstrous band that was/is Type O Negative. The singer of this band, Peter Steele, died April 14th of this year, he was 48 years old. Now the reason I'm mentioning it (aside from the fact that I have listened to his music for the better part of my life) is because I have been asked recently whether or not I would 'allow' Kasia to listen to 'heavy metal'. My answer, of course, is yes I will 'allow' her to. However upon reflection what I should say is that it is her choice what she listens to and the idea of allowance is irrelevant. I understand that as parents we must keep an eye on what our children are exposed to but I truly believe in the organic growth of a child. In teaching them how to respond to art we are only forcing their hand. I think it is so important to encourage an appreciation for all facets of humanity, not just the positive aspects.

Heavy metal has a notorious reputation for negativity. But in reality it is simply an art form that discusses the darker side of life. It does not negate the positive, it just highlights the 'unspoken' human emotions. Its not the only art form that is focussed on the macabre. Most, if not all, religious art is centered around tragedy. I think its something that we are all interested in, just think about watching the news! In regards to raising kids though it gets a little complicated for me. I would love for Kasia to share my appreciation for certain art forms but I know that she will undoubtably rebel against whatever it is that I like! She has to, its just part of growing up but I hope that she will understand my near obsession with 'dark' music and art.

Kasia already displays her distinct personality and as challenging as it can be, I love it. Driving home the other day from the store we had no music on in the car. Hil and I were just chatting when from the back this little voice said "guitar....drums?" she wanted to listen to her favourite band...Down! I was so proud, my little two year old wanted to listen to some rock and roll.

With the passing of another of my rock idols I am starting to appreciate my new lifestyle even more. Peter Steele was a habitual drug and alcohol abuser and in the last six months or so had really started to clean up his life. Unfortunately it was too late, his life choices had caught up with his evident mortality. I can only hope that he enjoyed his habitual past times but I fear, in the end, he was regretting them. Maybe these stories of excess and eventual demise will be a grave lesson to us all and of course to the newest generation.....moderation my friends, everything in moderation!

1 comment:

  1. It is an art. I remember the first time I realized that was when I met a lady that gives vocal lessons-to heavy metal rockers. This lady was like a school marm! When she told me the extensive training the vocal cords have to go through in order to maintain the "screams" in singing night after night, I realized that metal truly is an amazing art. But it is exciting when we have decidesld not to force our children in to our passions, and then they ASK for it...makes me do a little dance inside. (I trained horses for about 20 years and I get excited when my boys beg to go ride.). Great writing, I look forward to catching up on the rest of your blgs.
