Monday, March 22, 2010

If you don't like the weather in Texas...wait 5 mins, it'll change!

I've heard that phrase in a few places that we've lived, 'if you don't like the weather...wait 5 mins and it will change'. Well this week sure was one of those, and as far as SAHD duties, it really messes up the 'what toddler must wear' dilemma.

One day its sunny and warm, short sleeves, sweat on brow, then the next there is a dusting of snow on the ground. Only to be followed up the next day with more sun and in fact sunburn! Not nice, but at least it was on me and not Kasia.

I have taken this new weather to get a break from the rigors of parenting and head out on the trails for some mountain bike riding. I did around 24 miles today and it really gave me some time to process and think. I don't think that I have really taken the time to appreciate the experience of raising a child. Amongst all the crying and the tantrems there is a whole heap of time that you are just hanging out with a really cool little person. Kasia is really starting to put her 'personality' into gear. She is still the same challenging tike but she is complementing that with moments of comic genius. I wish I could list some of her funnier moments but as with all kids you really have to see it or hear it to appreciate the timing!

Anyway no big news right now, just lots of mental gymnastics in regards to our future plans. Its really nice though to be happy(ish) where you are and just spend time planning the next adventure. I always say to Hilery that I really want to add to my imaginary autobiography. I think of my life in terms of chapters and I just really want to concentrate on making the next one a good and worthwhile read. Each of us should at least strive to move forward, that doesn't have to be some huge dramatic change but we could all use a dose of reality due to the fact that most of us have become way to comfortable in life. I see it everywhere I go: must stay in this house because it has great schools, must not change job I hate because it pays well, must not devote my life to anything more because I might fail.

I have to move on and make myself better. Kasia is showing me this in the most innocent of ways. Whatever I do she copies, whatever I say she repeats (not always a good thing) and wherever I go she goes....I have to make it worthwhile for her sake, if not mine own.

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